Sunday, November 11, 2007

Taking the Gloves Off

It's about time...let's get down and dirty with this presidential campaign...that's what I say at least. It's not politics unless someone is slinging mud at another person, and anyone who believes otherwise is idealistic and foolishly young. I too hope for goodness and candydrops from our candidates -- but that is just not the business that is politics.

According to the Washington Post and The New York Times, last night at a Democratic dinner in Iowa Clinton and Obama went head to head giving speeches descrediting the other. Obama focused on Clintons secrecy in her campaign and wantingness to always give the right answers. Meanwhile Clinton continued push home her experience over other candidates. Though names were not named the rapt audience knew who each was talking about.

Let's get ready to RUMBLE!

I have to say, I like Obama. I know you are all shocked by this news. I do. I like him. I just wish he waited a little longer. I wish that he had a few more scars and wounds to show for his political years. But lucky for me...I'm registered independent. So I don't have to make the difficult decision that Democrats will have to make in the next few months. I get to just support the candidate that comes out on top, and in the meantime sit back and enjoy the show.

I guess my point of this blog is this: politics is dirty. It's like Hollywood but with unattractive actors. The lighting is the same, scripts are rehearsed and rumors fly around like new marriages. I think we all as voters would be better off keeping a healthy dose of skepticism in our midsts...but what do I know -- I'm just the old lady in the back of the room.

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