Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Media Law/Ethics of Journalism

It seems this semester has been a real eye-opener for me as far as this subject matter is concerned. It's really hitting me hard for the first time -- what I do as a journalist effects everyone who reads it. And perhaps that is difficult to comprehend because I've never had anyone read my work outside of class up until this semester.

I'm also taking ethics right now so a lot of what was discussed in the chapter was basics of what I'm doing in ethics. Such as the Kant categorical imperative and the Potter Box which resembled what we call the SAD formula.

In the sidebar we read about ethics in digital journalism I was surprised and not surprised at the time same time that the ethical guidelines were the same. I feel that in digital journalism because of the urgency to get the news out fast there is more room for ethical errors. There should be a stronger emphasis on reporting accurately. Like that website we discussed in class where the news organization doesn't worry too much about whether or not the stories are completely true -- that's appalling to me.

One of the ethical problems that I have noticed the most this semester writing for the Ithacan is conflicts of interest and friendship in reporting. So many times I would want to cover a story because I was apart of the organization but couldn't. Or interview a friend that I knew would give me good quotes. But of course I didn't because that is against the "rules." And I'm glad that I was able to learn those lessons through real life experience.

I also thought the point made about when or if journalists are ever off duty. Now that I write for the school paper sometimes my friends wont say things in front of me about subjects they don't want public. It's kind of fun to have that power -- ok I'm over it...not really....no really! I'd like to know what the class as a whole thinks about that idea. Because sometimes I'll be in a conversation with people and something will spark my interest and knowing that I myself might not be able to report on it I can go and tell another reporter or editor about the story idea. Is that unethical?

And finally I wanted to tell everyone about my shock and horror to find out upon my arrival at Ithaca College that such a thing as a newshole existed. WHAT!?! They put the advertising into the paper first before the stories? The amount of advertising dictates how long the stories will be...hmmm....

These are just some of the things that have been milling around my brain lately.

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