Friday, October 12, 2007

Saving One Polar Bear at a Time

So I know this blog is suppose to be about the Presidential election but I figured former Vice President Al Gore's recent Nobel Peace Prize was worth mentioning in this forum. Because after all the man has found a new found life...saving polar bears.

I'm not poking fun, I've seen "An Inconvenient Truth," it changed my life. Don't believe me? Ask my roommates the craziness that overcame the apartment the night I came home after the viewing of the film in the Park Aud. I was running around like a crazy person shutting off all the lights and telling my roommates to buy smaller cars.

And now Al Gore has found a new political life. This once somewhat dorky Presidential candidate that lost -- must I remind you -- to our great leader President Bush, is now a bonafied rock star. Even enough to push supporters of the eco-friendly politician to start a group called Draft Gore.

So far according to both the New York Times and the Washington Post the newly born Gore is staying out of the Presidential ring. But you know how these things many months -- no make that years -- did Hillary Clinton tell us New Yorkers that she had no intentions of running, meanwhile she was building funds for the biggest undertaking of her career.

So I guess all of us tree huggers, polar bear lovers are going to have to wait it out to see. I mean, I voted for him the first time around for President. Sadly enough...I was probably the only one in this class old enough too...hmmm....

And you know -- the man can't be half bad if Bon Jovi loves him....


clittle1 said...

Doesn't Bono love Al Gore too?
Or is that someone else?

He'll probably end up running again. Although I don't know... I was hearing that he wanted to go through Congress to get ecologically friendly legislation through.

The Peace Prize, though? for environmental work? it's still shocking to me. (I haven't seen the film yet though. I shall someday.)

Briana_Kerensky said...

The scene in Gore's movie where the CG polar bear cries as the ice caps melt under him breaks my heart...

Anyway...I can think of people who deserved that award much more. Gore made a decent movie about a powerpoint presentation and hosted a rock concert, which probably hurt the environment more than it helped. Think of all the cars people drove there! Yay gas emissions!

Archana said...

Al Gore is a good man. He has done a great service to the entire world with putting together a powerpoint presentation that essentially said "Dear World, you are SCREWED!" And now he won the Nobel Peace Prize for Science. He joins the league of people like Neson Mandela and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. I do not know how I feel about that. I mean I do..but it is almost hard to clearly point out what bothers me: the fact that Al Gore is now a celebrity and that his win almost glamorized an award of such serious significance? Al Gore celebrity status overpowers his cause many times. I remember smirking when he won the oscar. And when I read he won the Nobel prize my jaw dropped. In a way, his win highlights the seriousness of global warming, but for those that refuse to accept the mere existence of global warming, they now have anopportunity to not even take theNobel Prize seriously.

And now about the election, I do not understand the need to spend more newsspace covering a "POTENTIAL" candidate as opposed to covering those who are actually running and their issues and their beliefs. Speculation about someone's possible candidacy is going to get us no where. We hpe and we wonder if Gore will run and in the process we miss and we forget that Barcak Rudy, Mitt and Hillary have already put their cards out.

JT said...

Not only did Gore win the Peace Prize, but he also won the only cup in the world that says "world's best dad" on it. you probably missed SNL last weekend if you don't know what i'm talking about-- it was quite funny.

I think although he says he won't run, there's a good possibility that he will.
people like him and respect him. unless he was that badly hurt when he lost last time, he should dust himself off and try again (that is if he wants to).

Will said...

ok, two things.

1) A comment on other people's comments: Al Gore AND the U.N.'s Intergovernmental on Climate Change won the peace prize. I don't know if that makes the people who are worried that Gore's celebrity hurt the credibility of the peace prize...but just remember that he didn't win because of his movie and concerts -- it was his work with the SCIENCE of climate change.

2) Also commenting on other people's comments: It's not fair to say that you're worried about how Al Gore's peace prize will fuel the "elect Gore" craze of America's "tree huggers" (what Lindsey called them, not me). Do you really think he shouldn't have won because of his political affiliations? Do you really think the Nobel Foundation took Gore's image in America into account in their decision to award him the peace prize? The Nobel Foundation has a reputation to uphold, to say the least...and they chose Gore. That's good enough for me.

Hobo with a focus said...

I saw that group that was petitioning for Gore to run for president. I agree that most politicians deny they will run for president before they start campaigning. However, in one article I read Gore said he wouldn’t run against Clinton in the democratic primaries. He never said he wouldn’t ever run for president again. Gore 2012? I guess we’ll have to wait and see.