Friday, October 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Hillary...

Ok -- so the many other Hillary haters in the class can just stop reading right now...I mean it...I don't want any more blog comments criticizing my humorous take on the politicians that no one seems to love on this campus. So STOP READING!

Ok -- now that I've gotten that out of my system I have to admit, I completely forgot it was the Presidential candidate's birthday today. Thank God I was perusing the Washington Post website and found an interesting article not only pointing out that today is the day she celebrates her 60th (and by the way -- I only hope I look that good after surviving scandals, Monica Lewinsky, and the Iraq war vote the way that woman does!) with the 40th anniversary of John McCain's capture as a POW in Vietnam.

Isn't history funny like that. Especially after you look at what has recently happened in the last week. Both New York senators were caught earmarking funds for a Woodstock museum in upstate NY. Now I have to admit, I'm basis when it comes to this. Unlike the rest of my idealistic classmates, I understand that the earmarking of funds takes place all the time however unethical it may seem. And as a child who remembers the woodstock of 1996 and how badly my sister fought with my parents to let her go (thank God they didn't...remember the nastiness?) I appreciate Hillary and Chuck's attempt at giving upstate a jumpstart to its economy. We need it.

But anyways I'm getting off topic here. Why it is ironic is because as Hillary is supporting money that will go somewhat resemble her days as an anti-war protester "hippie" McCain was at the other end of the spectrum surviving in a POW camp. And her birthday and his anniversary fall on the same day. To be can't write this crap for a movie....people wouldn't believe it!

But this is why I love politics so has the slightest resemblance to hollywood but with not-so-goodlooking people.

The moral of the story is...thank you John McCain for sounding the alarm on this country's practices in torture. And Happy Birthday Hillary -- ya' know I love ya'.

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