Thursday, September 27, 2007

Debating Over Nothing

Wednesday evening the Democratic Presidential hopefuls took to the brightly lit stage again to debate over really nothing. Held at Dartmouth College in Hanover N.H., little attacking was done except for the occasional proding of host Tim Russert. Which most of the serious questions seemed to be specific and directed primarily at the woman of the hour herself -- Hillary Rodham Clinton.

I know....I're thinking "oh here we go again, more Clinton crap."

But let's be honest folks I watched MSNBC's day-long coverage leading up to the event on Wednesday in between classes and after two straight hours of the channel's "why Hillary" focus I threw my remote across the room after putting on an old rerun of "Golden Girls." At least these old ladies know feminism if it bit them in the a....sorry.

Anyways, today coverage of the event has been bleak. I had to skillfully comb the New York Times for an article about the debate. Of course, news of Burma is more important -- I'm not disaggreeing with that. But perhaps they could have done without Sean Penn on the front for some movie he's producing? Finally I found ONE article which referred to the candidates having to answer which bible verse was their favorite....what?!!? Ah...creepy. I wish I could have seen Russert throw that one on em'. If you ask me -- those answers are probably the key to world peace...right.

Of course Dan Balz didn't let me down by both writing an excellent article pointing out Hillary's weaknesses during the evening but also how she seemed to be the center of attention as far as criticism. He also appeared on the pregame show. To me, the man's a rock star. I had the privlege of sitting next to him once when I was lucky enough to get a press pass to an event that Hilary was speaking at. Very cool.

The moral of the story is that this country has seen too many debates with too many candidates only getting mere seconds to answer questions crucial to the country's future. I say thank God the primaries are quickly approaching. Let's get this over with so Democrats can stop playing nicey nice and get down to business.


ICLondonTraveler said...

I think you make a great point that these early debates really are about nothing! The questions, I feel, are either way too broad or slanted (like what's your favorite Bible passage, like you said). Many of the candidates don't have enough time to address what's really important, what we voters really care about, like how they'll handle the war once Bush is gone and health care, etc. So far on the debates, the news has been about Obama's lack of wearing the American flag pin and what else Dennis Kucinich can pull out of his pockets!

Holly said...

i also cannot wait for the primaries to get here so we can move away from these large debates with little being said about a lot. its difficult to follow a debate when you're trying to keep 10+ points of view straight. where's the hillary - obama smack down the country has been waiting for?
lets face it though, there are still people filling out forms with the intention of candidacy...this race is far from over.