Thursday, September 20, 2007

"HillaryCare" it probably comes as no surprise to those of you who read this (thanks mom!) that I'm a Hillary fan. Call me a hopeful socialist commi who is suddenly leaning center for votes, but there's just something about that previous head-banded woman turned presidential hopeful that I just can't get enough of.

It's finally happened -- the apoloclipse is here -- Hillary Clinton has unvieled her new health care plan. And already Republicans, and Democrats alike, are jumping to the be first to remind middle class Americans about her previous "commi" years as First Lady.

It makes me angry. I'll admit, yes she did crash and burn at her first attempt -- but who the hell wouldn't with a Republican Congress and Newt Gingrich at the helm of it all! And the ad campaign created by the health insurance industry and republican leaders lampooned the poor pink suited First Lady before she ever stepped onto the floor of Congress to propose such forward thinking as...gasp...universal health care.

Clearly I've read a thing or two about Ms. Clinton's days battling for healthcare and I think there is so much that voters don't understand. Yes, the plan was way too lofty. But average voters were scared to death of this thing because Newt told them to be. Mom and Pop watching Matlock at home were bombarded with ads telling them the evils of Hillary Clinton. And the problem is that we've all been fed it, digested it and it is now part of our internal makeup as Americans.

I'm getting off track here -- sorry I just get so steamed up! Anyways I appreciated the article by the New York Times on the subject. They of course pointed out Clinton's past fallures in the healthcare ring, but also compared the two plans and noted how different the new one is. Clinton figured it out -- she took her punches and got back into the ring with a new a better idea that will be more digestable to Americans who already like their healthcare coverage but will help those without.

The Washington Post also discussed her new fleet of ads that have been hitting the airwaves recently, also a smart change from the past. Clinton has learned her lesson and is fighting fire with fire. She's educating voters the same way Republicans turned them against her in the 90s.

She also reached out by appearing on the Today Show the morning after her announcement. I thought she did well and handled some tough questions like a pro. She even once laughed at Matt Lauer, it seemed she was saying in her head, "please, don't toy with me... I'm Hillay F-ing Clinton," or ya know...something like that.

The moral of the story is I love her...and there's nothing you Obama people can do about it.

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